Data engineer and Qualified Accountant

I'm Akin, based in Switzerland, with a focus on data engineering and financial analytics. My core competency lies in architecting and managing intricate data flows and infrastructures that bolster business intelligence initiatives. By harnessing advanced analytics, I extract and interpret critical financial insights, ensuring data-driven decisions that underpin profitability and sustainability. My approach merges technical prowess with financial acumen, optimizing data systems for enhanced business intelligence and strategic financial planning.

Building an End-to-End Data Pipeline with Google Cloud, dbt, and Looker

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the journey of building an end-to-end data pipeline using Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery, dbt, and Looker. This project was a fascinating exploration of modern data engineering practices, leveraging powerful tools to transform raw data into actionable insights.

Data Visualization & Insights: Cocoa Crisis - Unwrapping the Price Surge

Cocoa prices recently surged past $10,000 per metric ton for the first time, more than doubling January’s $4,200 level and nearly quintuple March 2023’s $2,927. This increase was driven by adverse weather conditions and heavy rains in West Africa, which negatively impacted crop yields and spread black pod disease. However, prices have started to decline due to improved weather conditions in West Africa and cautious buying from chocolate producers.

Discovering Europe’s Top Goalkeeper: A Data-Driven Analysis

In the world of football, the debate over who reigns supreme in any position is a favorite pastime among fans. Recently, a discussion with a friend prompted an intriguing question: who is the best goalkeeper in European football at the moment? As someone who values objectivity over bias, I realized that relying solely on personal observations wouldn’t suffice due to the vast number of matches across European leagues. Thus, I turned to data analysis to find an answer.


  1. Qualification
    Azure Data Engineer Associate
  2. Qualification
    Power BI Data Analyst Associate
  3. Qualification
    Chartered Accountant